Oysters are making a comeback and Oysters in Motion is ready with their mouth-watering seafood platters and a pop-up oyster bar. To keep the shucking party going, owner Christopher Recine depends on a robust Search Engine Advertising campaign from his web agency Linkeo.

Shucker, raw chef, and oyster purist, Christopher Recine considers oysters his calling. Inspired by his father who has spent his life in the seafood industry, Christopher founded Oysters in Motion, a traveling oysters’ stand that caters events across the Montréal area. Known by French customers as Huîtres en mouvement, the business also sells seaside fresh oysters and seafood from their online store.
“I’ve been doing what I love for over ten years. I’m already at the top of the market, and I plan to stay there,” says Chris.
But in March of 2020, COVID put a wrench in the plans of any business owner looking to run events.
“It was horrible,” says Chris. “I lost all my weddings, Christmas parties, graduation parties, baptism, golf tournaments. We needed an emergency strategy to keep afloat.”
With in-person catering off the table, Chris knew he had to focus on his oyster and seafood sales. To reach new customers, he started to post his own ads on Facebook. “I figured, everybody’s in quarantine at home. What do people do when they’re bored? Facebook. It’s the gossip page. I knew people would see my ad.” And they did. The orders started rolling in. But after a while, his ads stopped performing as well. “Facebook is picky about what it will display. It wants fresh photos. There were all kinds of tricks I didn’t know.”
Enter Linkeo with their renowned and customizable ad campaigns.
“Everyone has their gift. I can open 1000 oysters in three hours but when I was trying to stay on top of my own Facebook ads, I was frazzled.”
Linkeo’s SEM experts revamped Chris’s communication strategy to guarantee top visibility. In addition to Facebook, they publish ads on Google’s Display network, a group of more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps that reach up to 90% of Internet users. To anticipate changing trends and web searches, the team is constantly adapting their keywords and advertising game.
“For Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the Christmas season, the store rocks and rolls. But our advertising needs to be on point.”
Oysters in Motion, Homepage by Linkeo. And check out the company’s Facebook Page.
On the average month, Oysters in Motion’s ads get up to 180,000 views on Facebook and the Display Network, leading to thousands of clicks on their online store.
Meanwhile, despite the pandemic, the company continues to give back, bringing their oysters and sauces to charity galas and golf tournaments for the Shriners’ Hospital, Canadian Cancer Society, and Fondation Jean Lapointe, an organization that supports youth with addictions.
Like everyone, Chris is thrilled that in-person events have finally opened up—again! “Events are my favourite part. Clients tell me, I can’t wait to do this again, and I feel the same way.”
And with Linkeo on his team, the world is his oyster.